The hiking boots you wear should be comfortable, durable, and able to withstand the elements. How do you maintain them? How can you dry your hiking boots, so they are ready for another day on the trail?

Don’t worry. We have some tips!

How to Dry Out Hiking Boots At Home?


Find a shoe rack that will hold your hiking boots so they can dry out.

Place a towel or paper towels on the shelves of the shoe rack so your boots will have support when you put them up to air dry.

Allow at least three days for drying time. Move them around periodically while drying, depending on which section is drier than others.


Place newspaper on the bottom of the shoe rack and place the boots on top of it.

-The newspaper will wick away any water and then eventually dry out in a day or two, so you don’t need to worry about mold growing inside your shoe rack.

-When the hiking boots are completely dry, remove them from the paper for storage until the next time they’re needed!


To dry your hiking boots wipe off any dirt and excess water from your boot using a towel, then put it on a heating pad for 15 minutes until it’s dry.

-If nothing else is available, remove the boot’s laces and place it on a flat surface like a table for several hours to air out & dry thoroughly.

-You may also use an appliance with heat if there isn’t one nearby such as your oven or stovetop but be careful not to damage the material.


If you don’t have a dryer, hang your boots upside down outside for 1-2 hours in direct sunlight. Your hiking boots will be dry enough to wear in a day.

How to Dry Out Hiking Boots In The Field?

But if you are in the field, we should follow these steps to dry your hiking boots.

Method -1

The first thing to do would be to take them off as soon as possible and try not to put too much pressure on the bottom of your foot so that it doesn’t get any wetter than necessary.

Next, find a heat source like a campfire or stovetop; this will dry out your hiking boots quickly.

Method -2

If there are no sources of warmth available, we will need to resort to different measures. We should start first by drying our socks as best as possible before putting them back inside our damp shoes.

 This is because if they get wet again too quickly, it’s even more challenging for the hiking boots to dry out on their own. Once they’re in, it’ll be easier for us to find some mobility while still trying not to step around water or snow so that these areas don’t become worse than they already were.

Method -3

Suppose the worst has happened and our boots are completely flooded. In that case, we should start by removing any excess water or snow inside before to dry the hiking boots out.

Next, place a towel over the top of your shoes so they don’t dry too quickly; this will allow some of their inner moisture to escape without trapping it in with cold air immediately.

Finally, after an hour or two have passed. You feel most of the wetness has escaped from within, take off all towels/clothes blocking airflow and get back on “dry” ground while continuing to walk around until everything dries up enough to be safe again.


If you have a lot of hand warmers with us, it can be effective to place one at the bottom and use the other as an insulator to dry your hiking boots. Be careful not to get too many so that they don’t melt all over your shoes. 

But if you need more than two or three in there, this may be worth trying out; just make sure the heat is monitored closely because some synthetic types will start melting when heated up enough.

Method-5 (In Case Of Emergency)

Lastly, if none of these options are available, then our last resort would be to put them on inside out before placing something like towels around both sides for insulation. The only thing left after that is waiting until morning so your hiking boots can dry off naturally again.

Why are Boots So Hard to Dry Out?

People often ask the question, “why are hiking boots hard to dry out?” One possible answer is that boots have a lot of material stuffed inside them. The materials in your boot may include wool or cotton insulation and rubber soles. For example, when you wear wet gloves, it’s usually not difficult to keep them from getting too damp because they’re made with neoprene. 

Which keeps water away from their surface. But when it comes to shoes like hiking boots full of tightly packed insulating material and leather uppers, things get more complicated. Your feet produce about one quart (0.95 liters) of moisture each day as they sweat; depending on how humid the air is outside, this can add up quickly! Boots typically take hours to dry out as they’re full of materials that retain water.

How can I dry my boots fast?

To dry hiking boots is a necessity for any outdoor adventure. However, it can take forever when you don’t have the right steps to follow. Here are our top three tips on how to dry your boots quickly and effectively:

-Leave them in front of an open fire or heater. The heat will help evaporate water more quickly than if they were left out in the cold air alone. Running shoes over with a blow-drier has also been said to work wonders. Just be sure not to get too close because this may lead to melting! Last but not least, remove all excess dirt and debris from inside the boot before putting it away after drying—dirt retains moisture which could prolong its wetness for days on end.

Can I put my hiking boots in the dryer?

Hiking boots are a type of footwear that requires more protection from the elements. Since they have to endure harsher conditions, it’s often not advisable to use a dryer on them. If you’re in doubt whether or not your hiking boot can withstand running through the cycle with clothes dryers, just give them plenty of time to air out before putting them away and letting nature do its magic.

 Some people like to dry their hiking boots over an oven door, so heat escapes without damaging the shoe itself if desired. The best way is by using some sort of rack where hot air circulates around each shoe for better results.

How long do boots take to dry?

To dry hiking boots thoroughly is the key to getting them ready for use again. The best way of drying your boots, if you have the time and space available, is to remove any excess water by gently flicking them with a towel or shaking it before laying them out on the dry ground (a tiled floor in an empty room works well) and leaving them overnight. 

This will help break down any salt residue that may be leftover from winter salting which can cause white marks when they come into contact with your leather footwear next year – not very attractive! If you don’t want to wait this long but still need your shoes quickly, then there are some tips above worth trying.


These are few methods to dry out hiking boots. Some people swear by the newspaper method. In contrast, others use an electric heating pad with no heat setting on it. The best way is up for debate, but any of these methods should work if you’re not in a rush to get them dried out right away. 

If your boots are really wet or have been submerged for long periods of time, they may need more than just one drying process before being ready to wear again. What’s your favorite way to dry out hiking boots? Tell us below!

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