It’s raining, and you want to go hiking. That might not sound like the best idea, but hiking in the rain can be a lot of fun! It’s important to pack some gear that will get you through this type of hike. so your time outdoors is comfortable and dry. In this blog post, we’ll share what hiking essentials are necessary for hiking in the rain as well as how to dress appropriately for wet weather conditions.

What Do You Need to Hike in The Rain?

If hiking in the rain is not your thing, you might want to reconsider. It can be one of the most relaxing hikes out there and often leaves hikers feeling refreshed after a long day outside. You have to admit it’s hard not to love hiking when every step feels like you’re making progress towards something big! The only problem with hiking in the rain is that you might wet yourself.

There are a few hiking essentials to pack in order to ensure your time hiking in the rain is as comfortable and dry as possible:

A Hiking umbrella

This will keep you dry and you can use it as a shelter. In case of rainstorms that last longer than expected. You don’t want to get caught out in the open without protection from the elements. It could end up being very dangerous!

A Waterproof Backpack

A hiking backpack with a waterproof cover will protect your gear from the rain. If you’re hiking for long distances, make sure to pack extra of everything! You never know when you’ll need it most. And we don’t want to be left out in the cold because our water supply ran dry on us.

A pack cover

We use a pack cover when hiking on rainy days. It protects your backpack from rain as well!

Dry Bags

Protect your hiking gear from the rain by storing them in waterproof bags. You can find these at camping stores or simply make your own out of a garbage bag and duct tape!

Also, it’s important to dress appropriately for hiking in the rain, so you don’t end up getting wetter than necessary:

Trekking poles

These are perfect for hiking in the rain because they can help you balance on wet surfaces. However, it is important to ensure that your hiking poles have a strap. So they don’t get lost if they fall off while hiking.

Easy snacks

To keep hiking in the rain enjoyable, pack a few snacks for you and your hiking partner. This will ensure that you can still enjoy yourself out there even if it starts raining halfway through the hike!

What Should I Wear on a Rainy Day Hike?

Rainy hiking can be one of the most beautiful hiking experiences that exist. But it’s important to dress properly for hiking in the rain. So you don’t end up getting wetter than necessary and ruining your day out!

A Rain jacket

A rain jacket is a key to hiking in rainy weather. It will keep you dry and allow for breathability as well. So it’s important not to neglect this piece of equipment when hiking during a storm!

A Rain Pant

It can be hard to find hiking pants that are waterproof. But it is a good idea to wear rain pants if you’re hiking in the rain. They will keep your legs dry and allow for breathability!

A Hat

Wear a hat when hiking on rainy days. Not only does this will protect your head from rain, but it is the hiking fashion.


You should wear hiking socks when you’re hiking on wet surfaces, and these will keep your feet dry!


Gaiters are a great way to keep your footwear from getting soaked. They go over any type of shoe so that all-around protection can exist!

Waterproof hiking boots

Waterproof hiking boots are essential if you want to be able to hike comfortably on wet ground without your feet getting wet and cold.

An insulating layer

If you are hiking in colder weather, it’s important to bring an insulating layer with a windproof. And waterproof material so that your body will stay warm despite the rain.

Light gloves or mittens

When hiking during cloudy weather, light gloves can be helpful for keeping hands dry while still being able to keep them warm by using hand heaters inside of them on especially chilly days. These add-ons should also have breathable fabric and insulation lining to keep hands comfortable no matter what conditions they’re in!

It’s recommended not to wear cotton clothing if hiking on a damp day. Because cotton will soak up the water, and your hiking clothes may get heavier as a result.

Is It Worth Hiking in The Rain?

If you want to enjoy different rainy weather, hiking in the rain is a must. You can enjoy both rain and hiking. Of course, with proper gear. The hiking equipment that you choose depends on the weather and your hiking experience.

Hiking in the rain is often not advised because of wet hiking gear and blisters. However, hiking during light to moderate rainfall can be rewarding for many reasons:

  • Hikers feel like they are getting away from it all as they get into nature without having to deal with too much human contact.
  • It sounds crazy, but hiking during light rain is less strenuous than hiking on flat terrain or when there’s no wind blowing at you. You’ll still need to wear some type of clothing that will keep you relatively dry. So your clothes won’t weigh heavily on your body while hiking long distances. However, if you’re looking for an adventure where you don’t have to worry about hiking in the rain, hiking during light to moderate rainfall is probably a good option.
  • The more intense and steady rain will bring out some of the natural scents that hikers enjoy as they walk through forests or meadows while enjoying nature’s beauty around them. Light rain won’t be enough to spoil these moments.

Is It Safe to Hike in The Rain?

Hiking in the rain is a mixed bag. It’s never recommended to hike if you’re hiking uphill or hiking for more than an hour. Still, hiking downhill can be particularly safe in the rain because your footfalls will keep moist and slippery soil from becoming too muddy. 

Hiking on trails that are already wet also helps avoid slipping too much. Ultimately, hiking in the rain is a gamble because you have to balance safety with how badly you want to get out and enjoy nature!

Tips on Hiking in The Rain

  • Cover up electronics or put them into sealed bags, so they don’t short out from the moisture.
  • If hiking on backcountry trails, make sure you have an emergency signal that is visible from above like a reflective blanket.
  • Come prepared with extra supplies of food, water, a first aid kit, and even some matches just in case if you get stranded for long periods of time because it’s not always easy to see where other people may be hiking when there are low visibility conditions such as heavy fog or days with brief but intense showers (which can happen all year round).
  • Finally, bring along plenty of warm clothes since every second outdoors counts in terms of warmth loss.
  • Re-waterproof your rain jacket when it gets wet.
  • Plan hiking routes that are in the most sheltered areas for hiking when there is a chance of rain, and try to avoid camping at low elevations because any water nearby will increase your risk of hypothermia or getting struck by lightning (both very dangerous).
  • If you get lost in the rain, stay put until it clears up or at least lessens. because hiking during bad weather is dangerous and will lead to more accidents than hiking when there are clear skies.
  • If hiking in a group, make sure to keep your hiking buddy close and check on each other when it becomes foggy or rainy.
  • Use hiking poles to help with balance when hiking on slippery surfaces.
  • Keep an eye out for low-hanging branches since they can be hazardous when hiking in wet conditions.
  • Stay on trails that are well maintained, and go out of your way to avoid hiking close to a cliff or drop-off.
  • If hiking in an area that is known for large predators, be on the lookout and use a hiking stick to help clear a path.
  • If hiking during the day, try to wear red or orange colors and avoid wearing black because these can get you blended in with the hiking trail’s colors, and you’ll have a higher risk of hiking accidents.

How to Prepare for Hiking in the Rain?

Planning hiking in the rain can be a tricky proposition. In my experience, hiking trails are typically better maintained and more developed on clear days than they are during wet weather conditions.

 If you find yourself hiking in inclement weather, there’s no shame in taking an alternate route to avoid soggy terrain altogether; it’s much better to be safe than sorry. If you’ve planned a hiking trip in rainy conditions, here are some tips for staying dry and comfortable:

  • Wear appropriate clothing
  • Be mindful of the forecast so that you can plan ahead
  • Bring your own water instead of relying on streams or other natural sources (you might need more)
  • Clear your hiking route of any plants, branches, and other obstacles that might make you slip
  • Keep in mind the time it will take to complete your hike; this is especially important if there are steep hills involved
  • Tie your hiking shoes tightly to prevent water from seeping in
  • Bring a map so that you can identify nearby shelters and other hiking destinations with ease. If the rain is particularly heavy, consider hiking backtrack on an easy trail or walk towards a shelter rather than descending down steep hillsides if possible.

What to Do If There is Lightning While Hiking in the Rain?

  • Stay low and avoid hiking near tall trees.
  • If you are hiking with a group, try to stay together as much as possible.
  • Be aware of your surroundings if it is storming; move away from exposed areas that might be hit by lightning or hail, such as the top of ridges or open fields.
  • Do not use metal objects on the trail like cell phone towers, fences, antennae, etc.; they can attract lightning strikes which could hurt people around them.
  • Find shelter where there are no overhead tree branches and no overhangs above head height (such as an abandoned house). During thunderstorms, the safest place in any building is inside a basement below ground level because this area may have been designed to protect against heavy rain, hail, and lightning impacts.
  • Listen for loud thunder or flashes of lightning and stay indoors until it’s safe outside again.
  • If hiking with a group, wait out the storm in one location and take turns rotating so that everyone has time to get some sleep.
  • Don’t drink alcohol or caffeine because they can make you more sensitive to changes in weather conditions.

What to do If Someone Gets Hypothermia While Hiking in the Rain?

If someone gets hypothermia while hiking in the rain, they need to get out of the rain. They should seek shelter and cover themselves with warm clothes or blankets, along with hot liquids like tea and coffee.

If someone is hiking in the rain without a proper coat, pants, shoes, gloves/mittens, hat, or socks, then they may want to consider turning back because hiking in these conditions can lead to a dangerous situation.

How to Identify Hypothermia While Hiking in the Rain?

Hypothermia can be caused by being cold for an extended period of time or exposure to extreme temperatures. It is the most common hiking injury, and you should always prepare yourself accordingly when hiking in cool weather. 

Signs that someone may have hypothermia include shivering, confusion, clumsiness, and mental changes such as memory loss, slurred speech, and loss of consciousness. If someone has these symptoms when hiking in the rain during cold conditions, they should seek shelter immediately or risk getting worse.

How to Treat Hypothermia While Hiking in the Rain?

If someone is having hypothermia while hiking, then you must stop and search for shelter. This person needs to get out of the rain and into a warm place as soon as possible so that they can be safe from further hypothermia or even death.


Hiking in the rain is a great way to enjoy nature and get exercise. It’s also an opportunity for you to test your gear, skills, and mindset as well as experience new things. If it sounds like fun, but you’re not sure what supplies are necessary or how best to prepare for hiking in rainy weather conditions, we’ve provided some helpful tips up.

Remember that preparation can be just as much of an adventure as actually getting out there on the trail! What questions do you have about preparing for hiking in the rain? Let us know by leaving a comment below! _____

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